Norwood Pay Transfer Fee for Rokahr to Break Contract
At the end of October 2024 Nik Rokahr informed Swan Districts Football Club that he was abandoning his playing contract to return to Adelaide.
Rokahr’s primary reason for moving east was to be with his family.
The club reluctantly agreed to Rokahr returning to Adelaide, however at no time agreed to transfer him to play with another football club, which he was advised. If Rokahr wanted to continue playing football, he had to honour his playing contract with Swans.
Swans hold the integrity of its contracts extremely highly and will do all it can to protect them.
Norwood Football Club contacted the club in November requesting a transfer for Rokahr.
Swans advised Norwood that it would not release Rokahr and if he wanted to play football in 2025, he had to honour his contractual commitment to Swans.
Regrettably, Rokahr then engaged lawyers threatening Swans with what the club saw as a significant amount of money.
However, the club still didn’t concede and believed it was important to protect the integrity of WAFL, and by extension SANFL player contracts, which had the support of the WA Football Commission.
Norwood then appealed Swans refusal to transfer Rokahr to the AFL. However, the AFL supported Swans position and refused Norwood’s request.
Norwood eventually agreed to pay Swans $44,000 for the transfer.