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Past Players & Officials Association

The Purpose of the Association is to promote and encourage the fraternization of past players and officials of the Swan Districts Football Club (Inc), hereinafter referred to as “the Club”.

The Objectives of the Association are to assist and encourage the game of Australian Rules Football in the district of the Club.
To raise funds to make grants of money or provide services or property to the Club at the discretion of the Management Committee for the promotion and advancement of the Club.

To raise funds to make grants, provide sponsorships or make donations at the discretion of the Committee of Management, to individual persons, groups or bodies who are directly associated with or connected to the Club.

To co-operate with other West Australian Football League Past Players and Officials Associations for the betterment of football within the West Australian Football League.

To participate in fraternizations with kindred associations.


The Association has 165 Members at present. Cost of membership for 2025 is currently $40.00. New members are always welcome. Membership of the Association is available to:

– Past League players, reserves players, colts players, staff and Officials of the Club, who have fulfilled one complete season.

– Club Life Members and Honorary Life Members.

– Associate Members – being past members of other groups of the Club not qualified as above, volunteers and other persons at the discretion of the Management Committee. To be eligible for membership of the Association, Associate Members will also be required to be a current Member of the Football Club

If you fulfil the above eligibility criteria and wish to apply for membership contact a member of the Committee of Management or download your PPOA 2025 Membership Form.


John Rowe President

9279 3731
0411 019 150

Norm Kirkup Snr Vice President

9279 4170
0403 506 464

Tim Outred Jnr Vice President

0430 337 996

John Komorowski Hon. Secretary

0403 232 130

Marc Hocking Hon. Treasurerr

0452 651 564

Marcel Weggelaar Committee

9296 7155
0409 083 657

George Van der Meulen Committee

9274 4378
0428 919 033

Mark McNair Committee

0447 267 120

Ted Martin Committee

9279 7701

John Holman Committee

0401 132 052

Steve Banfield Committee

0438 978 22

The Association is also affiliated to the WAFL Combined Past Players and Officials Association Inc. All information relating to the WAFL Combined Association can be found by visiting their website at and Facebook page at